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Internships Lead Directly to Employment

Internships Lead Directly to Employment

The Summer Career Acceleration Program (SCAP), a project of the Pinellas Education Foundation and Pinellas County Schools, aims to ensure that high school rising seniors have opportunities to gain real-world experience prior to entering the workforce. We do this by partnering with businesses and organizations to host student interns. Merric Grego (left), a recent graduate of Seminole High, was recently hired on permanently by Pinellas County’s South Cross Bayou Water Reclamation Facility, having completed an internship there.

“Our industry desperately needs more operators to run our treatment facilities and to host five students who all took a real interest in our careers was incredible,” said Shea Dunifon, Education Coordinator for Pinellas County Utilities. “After hiring Merric, we received serious inquiries from potential student interns looking to make a transition straight out of high school into a career in water.”

Bank of America supports the program through a generous grant, as part of its mission to provide opportunities for underserved populations.

“Our investment in the Summer Acceleration program is helping students experience the workplace and connect with employers even before they leave high school,” stated Bill Goede, Bank of America President for Tampa Bay. “This intervention over the summer is critical as teenagers are trying to figure out not only what they want to do as a career, but also what that career path might look like, and employers are looking for the right talent to grow their business.” Learn more.