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2018 Pinellas Community Indicator Report

2018 Pinellas Community Indicator Report

The State of Postsecondary Access and Attainment in Pinellas County

In December 2017, a group of Pinellas County community leaders and stakeholders met to discuss the use of indicators and metrics for improving student success to ensure more students, particularly those facing the greatest challenges, achieve an education beyond high school to put them on a path to a rewarding career. This group explored 24 metrics related to college and career readiness, access and affordability, college performance, workforce and economic outcomes, and degree attainment, thoroughly discussing the merits of each. They ultimately selected to learn more about the 15 indicators featured in this report, with the goal to explore how to move the needle as a community to improve student outcomes and assure educational and opportunity equity.

This report is the result of that process. Its goal is to provide readers with an overview of factors impacting postsecondary access and attainment in the county and to identify areas of accomplishment as well as opportunities for improvement. It is hoped that this report will help foster community dialogue, engage stakeholders, and initiate community action to improve education outcomes for Pinellas County students.

Click here to access the full report.