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Academic Achievement

Why we’re creating equitable opportunities for students to excel in academic achievement

Academic achievement is the bedrock of any educational experience. Improving attainment levels, especially for those students with the greatest achievement gaps, is pivotal to the Pinellas Education Foundation’s work. That’s why we strive to support highly effective teachers and principals.

Our academic achievement initiatives and impact

Closing the Gap Initiative

How we’re striving to close the gender achievement gap in Pinellas County

Boys are underperforming girls at alarming rates in literacy. This disparity follows the genders through to graduation. The current structure of curriculum and the learning day can inadvertently ignore boys’ interests, experiences and inherent tendencies. To address the gender achievement gap, the Foundation works directly with elementary teachers and principals to improve instructional practices that help boys and girls achieve at higher levels.

Our Impact


Students directly impacted by Closing the Gap grants


Teachers directly impacted by the program


Pinellas County Schools participating


Reading Recovery

Reading recovery to accelerate grade-level proficiency

One-to-one tutoring is provided to low-achieving first-graders as part of this highly effective short-term reading intervention program. In many of the schools where participants are enrolled, low-income populations begin school unprepared for kindergarten. In this nationally recognized program, struggling students achieve grade-level proficiency before falling further behind.

Our Impact


Pinellas County elementary schools selected for the program


Teachers trained in 1-on-1 instruction


More reading growth than the average first grade student


Digital Equity

Reimagining education through a lens of digital equity

In an era of expanded online learning tools and continued hybrid learning, not all families have access to the internet or knowledge about the digital educational tools available to them. The Foundation seeks to close the digital equity gap, by providing hundreds of families free and reliable access to the internet and technology coaching through the Family E-Learning Coaching Program.

Our Impact


Individual coaching sessions completed within first year


Average minutes per technology coaching session


Pinellas Early Literacy Initiative

Improving kindergarten readiness and literacy proficiency

The Pinellas Early Literacy Initiative is a collaboration with Pinellas County Schools to boost reading proficiency in children from Pre-K through second grade by providing specialized training, tools, and resources to their teachers. Literacy achievement largely predicts academic success in every subject area. The goal is to lay a strong foundation for all students early on to give them the best chance of thriving throughout their education.

Our Impact


Pre-K-2nd grade students served by the initiative


Teachers and administrators impacted by the project


Increase in reading proficiency among 2nd grade students



Other strategies for success

The Pinellas Education Foundation is dedicated to identifying current issues in public education and strives to provide innovative solutions that will further enhance the quality of learning.

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